Thoughts about onboarding freelance writers
Hello there! As someone who has worked as a freelance writer for several years, I know how important it is for clients to onboard writers effectively. Onboarding is the process of introducing a freelancer to your project, your team, and your brand. It sets the tone for your relationship and can have a big impact on the success of your project. With that in mind, I’d like to share some best practices for onboarding a freelance writer to a project.
Start with a clear brief
Before you bring a freelancer onboard, it’s essential to have a clear idea of what you want them to do. A detailed brief that outlines the scope of the project, the goals, and the target audience will help the writer understand what you’re looking for. Be sure to include any specific requirements or guidelines, such as tone of voice, word count, and formatting. This helps to avoid any misunderstandings down the line.
Communicate regularly
Communication is key to any successful project, and that’s especially true when working with a freelancer. Make sure to set up regular check-ins, whether it’s via email, chat, or video call. This helps to keep everyone on the same page and can help to address any issues early on. In addition, be sure to respond promptly to any questions or concerns the freelancer may have.
Give feedback
Feedback is an essential part of any creative project, and it’s especially important when working with a freelance writer. Be sure to give feedback on the writer’s work, both positive and negative. This can help the writer to improve their work and can help to build a strong working relationship. When giving feedback, be specific and constructive. Avoid using overly negative or critical language, and instead focus on what can be improved.
Provide access to resources
As a freelance writer, I know how helpful it can be to have access to resources that can help me do my job better. Whether it’s a style guide, a brand book, or access to industry-specific research, providing these resources can help the writer to produce better work. It also demonstrates that you’re invested in the project and are committed to helping the freelancer do their best work.
Pay on time
Last but certainly not least, it’s essential to pay the freelancer on time. Freelancers rely on timely payments to make a living, and late payments can cause financial stress and strain the working relationship. Make sure to establish clear payment terms upfront, and stick to them. This helps to build trust and shows that you value the freelancer’s work.
In conclusion, onboarding a freelance writer to a project can be a smooth and successful process if you follow best practices. Starting with a clear brief, communicating regularly, giving feedback, providing resources, and paying on time are all key elements of a successful working relationship. By doing so, you’ll help to set the freelancer up for success and create a positive and productive working relationship.
Will Kelly is a technology industry writer and marketer. Medium is home to his personal writing. He’s written for CIO, TechTarget, InfoWorld, and others. His career includes stints in technical writing, training, and marketing. Follow him on X: @willkelly.